In May, news portals reported on changes to road tolls in Poland. The official launch date of the new system is not yet known, but judging by the documents published on the website of the new operator, it may be in the first or second quarter of 2021.
The most important change is that the new KAS system will operate instead of viaTOLL. Its advantage is the use of satellite technology. At the moment it is already known that payments in the new system will be made via a mobile application, GPS device and EETS (European Electronic Toll Service) device. In addition, KAS is responsible for providing a dedicated free smartphone application, and other devices should be made available to users through service providers. After user and vehicle registration, the system will collect the information necessary to calculate the toll. Refusal to register the vehicle or providing incorrect data will result in a fine of between PLN 500 and PLN 1,500 (approximately €110 – €330)
Stricter regulations for road traffic participants
The Council of Ministers adopted draft amendments to the law introducing new obligations for drivers and pedestrians:
1) a driver approaching a crosswalk, in addition to exercising special caution and giving priority to pedestrians who are on the crossing, is required to reduce speed.
2️) the driver is obliged to keep an appropriate distance between cars. On highways and expressways, the safe distance between vehicles will be half the speed of the vehicles. Thus, a driver traveling at 100 km / h must drive 50 m behind the vehicle in front of him, respectively 120 km / h – 60 m and 140 km / h – 70 m.
3) In built-up areas, day and night, the speed limit will be 50 km / h.
Pedestrians are not allowed to use cell phones while entering or crossing the road. The ban also includes other devices that “interfere with normal perception, especially visual perception”.